Saturday, April 23, 2011

Final House Plans

I've finally finished the construction drawings ("blueprints") and plan to get them printed out on Monday and submit them to the codes department to get a building permit.  I can't believe it has taken me this long to get them done, but the drawings are very thorough and I have a good grasp of what I'm doing now.  Here are the basic drawings without all the extra notes and labels, plus some views of the exterior and interior.

(Note:  I realize the house looks a little out of proportion now, but hopefully by next fall (2012) I'll be able to add the full wrap-around porch to the two ends and the south side.  That should make it look a lot better!  The cookstove will also have to wait until next year.)

view of the northwest side

view of the southwest side

looking toward front door (west)

looking toward back door (east)

in the storage loft looking east

ground floor plan

storage loft plan

west and east elevations

south elevation

north elevation

section (looking north)

sections (looking west and east)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Stroll Around the Homestead

My mom and I took a stroll around their land where my homestead will be.  Just wanted to share a few pictures I took along the way.  It was such a beautiful spring day!

view from my great uncle's barn across the way

wild turkeys in my yard

the yard and the view

the adjacent property behind mine where geese love to hang out

the pond

the pond

the shed and the field beyond

the pond and the shed